Community-based dementia mate wareware services in Aotearoa New Zealand

Community-based dementia mate wareware services in Aotearoa New Zealand

Dementia NZ and Alzheimers NZ have worked together, along with people with lived experience, over the past 12 months to develop a comprehensive multi-modal service model to give effect to Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) 2022 and the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan. The model is grounded in core documents including Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022; Improving Dementia Mate Wareware Services in Aotearoa New Zealand Action Plan 2021; the Post-Diagnostic Community Services for People Living with Dementia Mate Wareware in Aotearoa NZ Literature Review 2022; the Dementia Economic Impact Report (DEIR) 2020; the World Alzheimer Report -Life after diagnosis: Navigating treatment, care and support 2022.