Carer Poem

Carer Poem

One day you meet the love of your life.
Her smile is as beautiful as her personality.
There she sat, waiting to dance if asked.
The dance floor beckoned as we walked.
The moment you hold her the lights glow.
Nobody else exists as you glide across the floor.
She fills your thoughts from morn till dark.
You work, but can’t wait until you meet again.
The room lights up when she walks in.
You ask her to marry, a yes answer, your heart races.
A new life has started, life is good, future assured.
Honesty is as close to her heart as a glove to a hand.
You walk on air whenever your thoughts go to her.
The world is different, the sun shines new.
She stands by your side through storm and calm.
You and her walk with Jesus through baptism.
Serving the Lord together comes naturally.
The mission field calls, and you both answer.
She is there in the decision to sell and walk on.
I am down she is there, she is down I step in.
Your love grows through the love of Messiah
As the years pass, you become even closer
You cannot bear to be apart, the days pass with love
You look forward to your older years hand in hand.
Many decades are straight out of the movies.
You have the life you dreamed of when young.
All is perfect, nothing will change, so you deem.
One day you speak and there is no perception.
She forgets her way, a simple thing, you think.
As the months go by, there is more confusion.
Next comes the driving, something of the past.
Forgetting family names on visits comes as a shock.
Your name, birthday and anniversaries are no longer
At first the confusion is slow but speeds with time.
Your heart begins to break at what may come.
The months tick into years, names are of the past.
She used to help with chores but tiredness takes over.
The bond remains, you continue to hold hands.
Sometimes you know it’s so she won’t stumble.
The questions come, over and over, but all is blank.
She asks for a job, it gets half completed, and left.
Showering and dressing come things of difficulty.
You know as time slips away, so do the abilities.
Early relationships can create lasting recognition.
So enjoy the hand touch, grasp the memories.
Enjoy the smile, remember it could mask a blankness.
The hand hold lasts a moment, then turns into protection.
Harness bonds when both are well, they mightn’t last.
Love without conditions, because the conditions change.
One day you say I love you, the words mean nothing.
You explain events, but there is no understanding.
Toilet and hygiene are learnt young, but this is now lost.
You lose track of events, mostly bad, so enjoy the good.
Little tasks become large, moving is slow, thinking finished.
She remains your love, you become, her safety blanket
We have to accept one day, they will no longer smile.
There will be no more touching when the day closes.
You have memories of days of old, keep them near.
For the day will come when that is all you will have.
All this happens at the invitation of the silent destroyer.

This article was originally published in Our Mind Matters Magazine Issue #40.

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