Dementia Hawkes Bay is a Charitable Trust. Our focus is a continuation of the development and delivery of quality services to people with a diagnosis of dementia (mate wareware) and their family/whanau in the Hawke’s Bay region. We always strive for better on behalf of all people in our region living with Dementia Mate Wareware.
Our services are unique, as we support people to function well in their own home and within the community from the point of diagnosis and throughout their dementia journey. Other services include the Active Brain Programme, Cognitive Stimulation workshops, industry education, carer support groups, carer and client education and community awareness.
Dementia Hawkes Bay works collaboratively with other members of Dementia New Zealand Network and we also continue to work collegially with any organisation that supports people to live well with dementia.

Dementia Hawkes Bay Support Area
Don’t take your dementia journey alone, we’re here to walk alongside you.
If you have dementia or mild cognitive impairment, or you’re concerned about someone close to you who does, you can submit a referral to our Dementia Hawkes Bay team.