September 2024 | Connect

September 2024 – Connect Whā

Kia ora and welcome to our spring pānui.

September is World Alzheimer’s Month; the aim of the month is to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia. We have some information on events that you may like to enjoy during September. It is also our annual appeal month; we will be in touch again by email about our appeal.

I am very pleased to provide an outline of our new Young Onset Dementia programme. Whilst the programme is still in its infancy, we are off to a strong start with more activities planned in the coming months.

As always, there is much more to read, I encourage you to take a look at the Guardian article about the community choir and if you haven’t already, sign up for a singing group near you! And note, registrations are open for the Carers Big Day Out in Kāpiti.

I hope you enjoy this pānui. Please do reach out to me with any feedback and ideas for anything you would like included for future editions. Happy reading!

Ngā mihi mahana

Anne Schumacher, Chief Executive

Registration now open! Kāpiti Carers’ Big Day Out

We are very pleased to be once again offering carers the opportunity for a relaxing and restorative day out. The next Kāpiti Big Day Out is on Wednesday, 30 October at the Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club

To see the program and register please click the link below.

State of Caring Survey 2024

In 2021, more than 1,600 carers completed the State of Caring survey, The information from the survey is used for policy, campaigning and advocacy work. Knowing the issues carers face in 2024 and beyond couldn’t come at a more important time. Your feedback will enable Carers NZ to communicate to decision makers what really matters to you.

The link to the survey is here:  All those who complete the survey can choose to go into a draw for a $100 retail vouchers – twenty in total.

Let’s Talk about Dementia

Dementia Wellington runs regular ‘Let’s Talk about Dementia’ seminars around the Wellington region. These consist of five weekly sessions lasting 1.5 hours that are led by Sheena Farquhar, our Educator.  Many topics are covered including understanding changes in behaviour and staying engaged and connected.

The next Let’s Talk about Dementia will be in Wellington at the Lifepoint Church in Hopper Street on Mondays, from 16 September to 14 October, from 1-2:30pm. For more information regarding Wellingtons seminars please click here.
To register email

Let’s Talk about Dementia will be at Waikanae Baptist Church, 286 Te Moana Road, Waikanae from 01 to 29 October, on Tuesdays from 10-11:30am. For more information regarding Waikanae seminars please click here.
To register email

Hutt Valleys Let’s Talk about Dementia is being held in Petone Community House, 6 Brittania Street, from Mondays, 4 November to 2 December, from 1-2:30pm. For more information regarding Hutt Valley seminars please click here.
To register email

Registration for these sessions is required so please contact your local Dementia Advisor, or if you have any queries email

You can attend a session in any location across the Wellington Region. There is no charge to attend however a koha/donation is very welcome to help with the costs.

What’s happening in September?

Dementia Wellington Annual Appeal

As well as being World Alzheimer’s Month, September is also our annual appeal month. Keep an eye out for our annual appeal email coming in the next couple of weeks.

Quiz night fundraiser at the Sprig and Fern, Petone

We are pleased to once again to be hosting the weekly quiz at the Sprig and Fern in Petone on the four Tuesday nights in September: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th. Start time is 7pm but it is recommended to get there by 6:30pm to get a seat.

There are a number of ways to support this fundraiser:

  • Bring along a team of friends and whānau in September, can be as small as two people or as large as ten people. Just turn up on the night – $5 per person.

  • Donate a prize for the raffle – if you run a business that could donate a prize or have something at home to donate, please email

Human Forever (film)

To mark World Alzheimer’s Month in September, the New Zealand premier of Human Forever will be screening at the Roxy Cinema in Miramar on Sunday 1, September at 2:45pm.  The cinema session is sold out but online tickets are still available.

“24-year-old humanitarian activist Teun Toebes has a mission: to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia. Tuen and director Jonathan de Jong explore how dementia is dealt with in other countries and what we can learn from each other to make the future more beautiful and inclusive”.

To view the trailer or purchase tickets for the online sessions please click here

Young Onset Dementia update

In January, we sent out an online survey for people living with younger onset dementia (PLWYOD) and their whānau. Mai Christeller, our Young Onset Dementia Advisor, offered a follow-up phone interview, which was enthusiastically accepted by most people taking the survey. There was overwhelming feedback from clients about the lack of suitable activities for PLWYOD in the Wellington region. Many people reported struggling to find meaningful activities, particularly if they were not able to work.

The Young Onset programme includes the following:

  • Monthly half-day sessions for PLWYOD run by Dementia Wellington using cognition stimulation principles and memory work; activities include art therapy, music therapy, gardening, movement, a trained companion dog onsite, and shared kai.
  • Monthly outings for PLWYOD led by our volunteer service to facilitate physical activity and social connection.
  • Individual support, advice and navigation for clients living with and supporting younger onset dementia, which recognises the unique challenges of having dementia at a younger age.
  • Facilitating connection for carers with the aim of developing peer-led social connection.
  • Building partnerships with local public hospitals, Older Persons Mental Health Services and Neurology Departments, to be connected at point of diagnosis and enable early intervention and support.
  • Developing learning sessions for PLWYOD and their whānau.

We will continue to adapt our programme based on client needs and the latest research and resources.

For more information, please contact Mai Christeller,


It is well known that not only is singing immense fun, it is also therapeutic; have a look at this short article about a community choir in Sydney as an example of the benefits of singing.

There are currently three options in our area that you can try out:

Upper Hutt Singing Group

When: every Tuesday at 1pm for an hour

Where: Rimutaka Baptist Church, 5 Akatarawa Road, Brown Owl, Upper Hutt

Come along and join Kevin and the gang for a sing along with Kev on guitar.   Coffee and tea provided.

Pito-One Harmony

When:   2.30-4.00pm Fridays, fortnightly,

Where:  Petone Baptist Church, Buick Street, Petone

Cup of tea, then singing.  All welcome and no singing experience needed.

Contact Jenny Williams on 04 562 7124 or 027 221 9460   

More info:

SoundsWell  Singers

When: Friday mornings, 10:30-12pm

Where: 18 Bassett Road, Johnsonville.

The choir is a friendly and welcoming group of people, who all enjoy the chance to get together weekly to sing and socialise, all within a supportive environment. Support people are welcome. No choir or singing experience needed!

No referral is needed. Call for further information, or just turn up to try out a session on a Friday.

Fee structure:
$10 to attend, which includes morning tea and the attendance of a support person.

Contact Megan   021 105 5056

How are we doing?

Can you help us improve our services?

We are keen to hear:

– what would you like more of? 

– how are we doing? 

– what can we do better? 

The easiest way to provide feedback by using this very short form, it will only take a couple to minutes to complete, and remember, if you want a response from us you will need to enter your name and contact details.

Alternatively, feel free to email me directly

I will look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your feedback and suggestions.