Look for the ten common early signs of Dementia

Look for the ten common early signs of Dementia

The early signs and symptoms of dementia can be subtle and hard to recognise. Conditions, such as stroke, depression and infections, as well as normal ageing, can cause dementia-like symptoms. It’s important not to assume any changes are due to dementia.

It’s very important to see a GP or your primary health care provider if you have concerns that you or someone you know may have dementia. If the symptoms are caused by a treatable condition, they can be diagnosed and treated. If the symptoms are caused by dementia, an early diagnosis means early access to support, information, and any appropriate medication will be available, and there will be time to plan for the future.

Common early signs of dementia are:

Memory loss
You may notice subtle changes initially such as repeating the same story and asking the same question. Often their long-term memory will be good but not their short-term.

Difficulty performing tasks
There maybe a shift in their ability to perform familiar and everyday tasks such as cooking a meal, as well as difficulty multi-tasking.

Problems with language
They may struggle to find the right words or to communicate their thoughts and feelings. They may remove themselves from social situations to avoid making mistakes around others.

Disorientation to time and place
They may have difficulty knowing the time of day, where they are or where they need to be.

Poor or decreased judgement
They may appear confused and not work well under pressure, with difficulty in decision-making, problem solving and judgment.

Problem keeping track of things
They may have difficulty keeping track of dates and times, or any new information, and rely on family and friends for memory aid.

Misplacing things
They may misplace items regularly and forget where they’ve put things.

Changes in mood and behaviour
They may experience an increase in feelings of anxiety and low mood, making them appear ‘difficult’, suspicious and defensive to others.

Trouble with images and spatial relationships
They may have trouble understanding visual images (e.g. road signs) and spatial relationships e.g. speed and distance), which can have major impacts on their ability to drive safely.

Withdrawal from work or social activities
For fear of others noticing changes in their ability to manage, they may lose interest in their work or hobbies and appear socially detached.